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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Struts 2 Online Training by real time faculties

Struts 2 Online Training

Struts 2 Online Training by real time faculties

Java E-Training is providing Struts 2 online classes for more details visit our website http://www.javaetraining.com/struts-2-online-training/

mail us : javaetraining@gmail.com


Struts Framework Overview And Set Up
  •     What is Struts?
  •     Model 1 design Pattern
  •     Model 2/MVC Design Pattern
  •     Implementing MVC with a Framework
  •     The Struts 2 Framework
  •     Struts 1 vs Struts 2
  •     Why Struts2
Request Lifecycle in Struts 2
A Struts-Based Application
Struts Validation Framework
  •     Overview
  •     Two way of Validation
  •     How to Use
  •     points  to Remember
  •     Validator Types
  •     Custom Validator
  •     Overview
  •     Resource Bundle
  •     Interceptors and Determining the Locale
  •     Tag Libraries
Tiles And Struts2
  •     Overview
  •     Configuration
  •     Definition
Struts2 Annotation
Strut2 Exception Handling
  •     Overview
  •     Global Exception Exception Handling
  •     How to enable Global Exception Handling
  •     Exception Handling Per Action
Dispatch Action and Dynamic Method Invocation
Struts 2 File Uploading
Struts 2 Spring Integration
Struts 2 Hibernate Integration
Struts2-Spring-Hibernate Integration


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