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Thursday, November 15, 2012

EJB3 Online Training by Real time faculties

EJB3 Online Training

EJB3 Online Training by Real time faculties

Java E-Training is providing EJB3 online classes for more details visit our website http://www.javaetraining.com/ejb-3-online-training/

mail us : javaetraining@gmail.com


  • EJB3 features
  • EJB Interfaces are Optional
  • Singleton Beans are introduced
  • Support for direct use of EJBs in the Servlet container
  • EJB Timer Service enhancements to support cron-like scheduling, deployment-time timer creation, and Stateful Session Bean objects.
  • Support for stateful web services via Stateful session Bean web service end points.
  • Further simplification of JMS, JavaMail and database injected resources.
  • A Service Provider Interface (SPI) for EJB. This will make a number of innovative third-party integrations possible such as iBATIS, Spring, Acegi, Quartz or even Groovy Beans.
  •  The ability to use local transactions in addition to JTA in EJB. I think this would be very useful for smaller web applications that really don’t need JTA.

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