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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Advanced java Online training

Advanced  Java Online Training  provided By Java E-Training

for more details please visit our website www.javaetraining.com
mail us: javaetraining@gmail.com
  • Introduction to DB connectivity
  • Introduction to ODBC Drivers
  • Introduction to JDBC Drivers
ü  Type I Driver (JDBC-ODBC Driver)
ü  Type II Driver (Java-Native API Driver)
ü  Type III Driver (Java Net Driver)
ü  Type IV Driver (Java Native Protocol Driver)
  • List of classes and interfaces given in JDBC API
    Classes: DriverManager, Types
    Interfaces: Driver, Connection, Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData.
  • How to execute DDL commands CREATE, ALTER, DROP TABLE from JDBC API
  • How to execute DML commands INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DRL Command SELECT using JDBC API
  • Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement
  • How to execute functions and procedures using CallableStatement
  • Types of ResultSets
ü  JDBC 1.0 ResultSet
ü  JDBC 2.0 ResultSet (Scrollable, Sensitive and Updatable resultsets)
ü  JDBC 3.0 ResultSet (JdbcRowSet and CachedRowSet)
  • Transactions
  • Achieving Atomicity in JDBC operations
  • Batch Updations

·         Web Server, Web Container, Web component, Web Application
·         Servlet, ServletConfig, ServletContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse, HttpServletRequest, Cookie, RequestDispatcher, FilterConfig, Listeners, Wrapper
·         Types of Servlets
·         Developing  web application and deploying on to Tomcat web server using ANT
·         Session management  techniques (Cookies, Hidden Fields, URL rewriting)
·         Idempotency issues
·         Inter-Servlet communications
·         Chaining web components with Filters
·          Sharing data across application, session and request using scoped variables
·         Sending various mime types from servlets
·         Listeners
  • ·         Comparison between Servlets and JSP
  • ·         What is Page compilation process
  • ·         JSP document processing in JSP container
  • ·         Scripting elements
  • ·         Directive elements
  • ·         Standard action elements
  • ·         Page composition with <%@include%>and
  • ·         Accessing model components from JSP document using
  • ·         Writing and accessing custom tags (TIC/THC)
  • ·         Error handling in JSP
  • ·         TIC and PIC (Page Implementation Class)
  • ·         Implicit objects of JSP
  • ·         Scoped variables
·         JSTL Tags
ü  Core
ü  Sql
ü  XML
ü  Format

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